Best Android apps for:
Zgkim zielona góra

Welcome to our page dedicated to the best Android apps for Zgkim Zielona Góra! We’ve compiled a list of the top apps to help you get more out of the Zgkim Zielona Góra area. No matter what you’re looking for in Zgkim Zielona Góra-related apps, we’ve got you covered. From restaurant applications to event calendars, you’ll find something to help you make the most of your stay in the area. Take a look at our selection and find the perfect apps to get the most out of your time in Zgkim Zielona Góra.

Public transport timetable, trip planner, map - everything you need to ride public transit. After installing the application can work offline and does not require an Internet connection. Key Features:  * Check the timetable - offline  * Trip...

Sunrise and Sunset timings for any place in the world and for any date. • Location Selection is automatic. Manual option to choose from over thousands of cities over the world. • 3D Visualization showing and explaining the path of the sun and...

Official application for Android.Get fast and convenient access to: - The most accurate search engine of public transport connections - Current timetables (ZTM, MPK, MZK, SKM, PKP PR, ...) - Personal GPS navigation for public...

The official mobile app of the website Search through the connections of over 600 Polish carriers. Trains, coaches and city public transport in one place. Find the best way to travel and buy tickets. Take advantage of the features...

Krakó App is the official app of the City of Kraków. Its content was divided into 12 categories. In each of them you'll find essential information concerning the city. WYD – the most important information concerning World Youth...

Aplikacja Wavelo to Twój towarzysz w podróży po Krakowie na rowerach miejskich Wavelo. Wavelo to nowy system wypożyczalni rowerów miejskich w Krakowie, który w 2016 zastąpił KMK Bike. Jesienią na ulicach miasta pojawia się pierwsza,...

Calculates when dawn, sunrise, sunset and dusk occurs, depending on location and time of year.A unique feature in this app is the graph view - this can e.g. be very useful for educational purposes. Features: - A calendar view, showing the hour and...

Find all of the dwarfs in Wrocław! Mark already found, take a picture!

Check where is your bus or tram - visualisation of the data provided by the city transport company.

Public transport routes and schedules for Warszawa, Kraków, Wrocław and 60+ other polish cities - more are coming! Application works offline, shows data in a very convenient way. More information - WARNING! Polish language...

Chcesz być na bieżąco informowany o ważnych wydarzeniach związanych z miejscem, w którym aktualnie przebywasz lub z miejscami, które Cię interesują (Twój dom, dom rodziców, miejsce wypoczynku dzieci itp.)?Aplikacja działając w Twoim...

Ortografia to Twoja słabość?Ortogratka Maksi to pełne wydanie aplikacji Ortogratka, której celem jest poprawa Twoich umiejętności ortograficznych. Prawidłowa pisownia wyrazów to problem niejednego ucznia, a często niechlubnie towarzyszy do...

Inspiracją do napisania słownika synonimów "Gdy Ci słowa zabraknie" był słownik synonimów... angielskich Jerome Rodale’a The Synonym Finder. Słownik ten jest bardzo obszerny (ponad milion synonimów) oraz wygodny w użyciu:...

Kalkulator wynagrodzeń pomoże Ci ustalić ile dostaniesz na rękę w nowej pracy. Kalkulator wynagrodzeń pokaże Ci jakie będą całkowite koszty zatrudnienia pracownika. Nie czekaj! Wypróbuj wygodny kalkulator wynagrodzeńęki...

Aplikacja Gazety Lubuskiej to najszybszy dostęp do bieżących i wiarygodnych treści z województwa lubuskiego. Dzięki niej możesz czytać newsy i przeglądać galerie zawsze i wszędzie tam, gdzie masz na to ochotę.Najświeższe wiadomości z...

Aplikacja prezentuje przebiegi szlaków turystycznych na terenie woj. małopolskiego oraz powiązane z nimi miejsca atrakcyjne turystycznie.Aplikacja mobilna Szlaki Małopolski została stworzona w ramach projektu o tej samej nazwie. Jest to...

Bilkom – Personal Train Timetable Navigator The mobile journey planner for Android smartphones offers the most comprehensive information service for your journey with all railway providers in Poland and beyond the border. The free app seamlessly...

Targeo na urządzenia przenośne z Androidem. W aplikacji dostępne są następujące funkcje: - bardzo dokładna mapa Polski z numerami i obrysami budynków - Targeo Traffic - przeglądanie stopnia zakorkowania ulic w całej Polsce - lokalizacja...

„Skarby blisko Krakowa” to przewodnik mobilny po atrakcjach turystycznych czterech podkrakowskich gmin: Czernichowa, Mogilan, Skawiny oraz Świątnik Górnych. Najpiękniejsze kościoły, dwory, muzea, rezerwaty przyrody oraz inne ciekawe...

Aplikacja mobilna „Nadleśnictwo Gdańsk” prezentuje walory przyrodnicze okolic Trójmiasta, atrakcje regionu oraz infrastrukturę turystyczną. Aby ułatwić odnalezienie interesujących miejsc, baza obiektów podzielona została na kategorie,...

Szczecińskie Cmentarze to bezpłatna wyszukiwarka miejsc pochówku na Cmentarzu Centralnym w Szczecinie. Zawiera dane o osobach pochowanych w tej nekropolii od 1945 roku. Opublikowano również opisy cmentarzy w Szczecinie. Przy jej pomocy można...

Basket ZG - oficjalna aplikacja mobilna zespołu koszykówki Stelmet Zielona Góra . Aplikacja daje dostęp do: - aktualności oraz mediów społecznościowych klubu - relacji tekstowej live ze spotkania z...

Spending weekend near Babia Góra? Whether you're planning to walk to the Markowe Szczawiny hut or climb the Babia Góra summit taking Akademicka Perć trail, use this interactive Babia Góra...

DID YOU CATCH LAST NIGHT'S SUNSET? Sunrise provides you sunrise and sunset times where ever you are! FEATURES • Receive current and upcoming sunrise and sunset times for your location. • Get times for dawn, dusk, blue hour, and golden...

News, events and notifications The application offers instant access to communal news and events, information from the Public Information Bulletin (BIP). Thanks to it you will receive notifications about a crisis situation, the date of waste removal...

MobiJennik for the principal, teacher, parent and student The application cooperates with the electronic journal Allows all users to authorize new devices (two-factor authentication). The teacher can conduct lessons with the...

"CzasPrzyjedzie" is the official application of the system operating under the same name, combining the functions of a dynamic passenger information system and tools for managing a fleet of public transport vehicles. The application works...

Check where your MZK bus is! See real-time MZK departures based on their location on the map of all stops in the city of Zielona Góra. This works on a completely different principle as the popular JakDojade, which...

Portal Pasażera is now available to everyone! A free railway connection search engine and timetable for all railway carriers operating in Poland in a new version. The only application that presents all the official data of the infrastructure...

Make the most of your time in Bydgoszcz with offline access to maps and guides, including public transport information and calendar of events. Use local tips to find top attractions, things to do and restaurants in the city. This free app helps you...

Kraków – the city bustling with life, abundant with historical monuments and attractions – draws tourists from all over the world like a magnet. The former capital of Poland has been always open to visitors. Recently it has become more friendly...

Mobile USOS is the only official mobile application developed by the USOS team of programmers. USOS is the University Study System used at many universities in Poland. Each university has its own version of the Mobile USOS, depending on the USOS...

The Rowerowe Łódzkie application is an application dedicated to the Łódzkie Bike Rental, which allows you to use city bikes in towns belonging to this system, i.e. within the administrative boundaries of the following cities: Koluszki, Kutna,...

With the mobile application in a few seconds you start your journey ROOVEE. After downloading the application register your account on the system ROOVEE, recharge electronic purse required amount by the operator and start the drive using a QR code...

(After installing the application, please enter the test location: Zakurzewo) "Moje Waste" is a mobile waste collection schedule, which is an autonomous part of the Waste24 waste platform. The product is available to residents of...

Dojedź.pl is a free application for shared journeys for all users with the option of creating hidden groups, e.g. employees of your company! It will provide commuting to its employees in the style of carpooling, remember that joint connections of... is the official city app presenting the latest information and news from the life of Gdynia. In addition, it has an extensive calendar of events thanks to which you will be able to plan your free time in Gdynia. The application also has...

Large Family Card now on your smartphone. The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy has prepared in cooperation with the Polish Security Printing Works SA mKDR application, where you can view your card Large Family. If you are a parent, you...

The Visit Lublin Application is a free tool that is useful to both tourists and residents of Lublin. The application users can choose places from particular categories, browse recommended routes and add interesting places and events to their handy...

A compact layout of Wrocław trams and buses, especially for lost travelers. Thanks to this application you will find nearby stops, you will see what lines run on them and what time they leave. The application also informs about changes and...

Kazimierz Dolny - Lublin Pearl. Population of around 2 thousand. permanent residents of the town takes over a million tourists a year, which attracted numerous monuments, picturesque location on the banks of the Vistula, unique on a European scale...

Smog Polska allows you to easily observe air quality. A convenient widget and automatic notifications provide current information from stations located throughout Poland. Thanks to Smog Polska you will always know when to avoid walks and outdoor...

The application for ordering taxis at Hallo Taxi in Zielona Gora.

Heyoo! Welcome! We invite you to use the application to order our taxis with the characteristic local name RED KOGUTY. We are an association that has been operating in the Zielona Góra market since 2001. Our...

The application for ordering taxis from taxi corporations Bis 19191 Zielona Gora, Zielona best corporations, where every taxi you pay by credit card. We offer, among others, transfers to train...

Mobile Guide to the region of the Elk Lake lying within the district, is an offer for both visitors and residents who would like to have access to the most recent information on the region, tourism, services and events taking place on its...

The ECO Portfolio application allows you to participate in the nationwide program of collecting ecopoints and exchanging them for various benefits. Be eco-friendly, throw waste in any recycler and collect points, which you then exchange for prizes...